Ade May Cycles for Child Action Northwest

Lancashire based charity, Child Action Northwest (CANW), recently celebrated 130 years of helping vulnerable children within society.

The charity has already endured two world wars, and continues to face the challenges of today, including an ongoing global pandemic of epic proportions.

130 years ago, the word “destitution" was frequently used to describe the large number of children living in poverty who had no hopes, aspirations or opportunities to turn things around for the better. Tragically, such destitution still remains a sad reality for so many children affected by unavoidable calamity and misfortune. On the bright side, freemasons like Ade, stay focused and positive for the future. His kindness and passionate outlook of life is essential in trying to buck such an awful and unfortunate trend.

To mark the charity’s anniversary, volunteers were invited to undertake the “130 Challenge”. This entailed Ade cycling 1,300 and his wife, Laura and young son, AJ cycling 130 miles each across the whole of Lancashire.

Their small team was soon joined by Sam, Tracey, and Annie, who are Ade’s colleagues from work, who in turn, also volunteered to cycle 1,300 miles each, with Vicky, cycling 130 miles in one single day. Ade and his team cycled over 5,500 miles in total and they raised a staggering £5,400 in return.

After the challenge was completed, Ade, a very proud Baines Mason, stated, “I’m so humbled by the astonishing generosity of my family and work colleagues. They’ve all given their valuable time to help raise these funds. Similarly, those who’ve kindly sponsored us have really made every mile worth the effort.”

Ade is an equally proud employee of Presspart Manufacturing Ltd which is based in Blackburn. They felt it fit to contribute £1,500 in support of the team. Ade commented “It was an incredible challenge which saw us riding through rain, sun, hail and freezing cold conditions. We kept on cycling regardless and we did so each and every weekend until we hit our individual targets. I’m so proud of the entire team and I’m thrilled by the amount we’ve raised. I would like to thank everyone who contributed towards these children. We may never meet them but we hope their lives will be changed for the better. Small acts of kindness can collectively change the world. If it changes the world for one child, it’s worth all the effort expended”.

John Lee is the Worshipful Master of Baines Lodge. He stated “Ade is a Freemason of the highest order. He allows his actions to do his talking and his passion for change and evolution run through his very veins. Cycling so many miles didn’t come easy to Ade. Nonetheless, he took on the challenge and the responsibility to make a difference to the lives of others. All causes are important and valuable but seeing children suffer from destitution in the 21st century is heartbreaking. Ade has shown leadership by meeting his personal target but also encouraging his wife Laura and his son AJ to join with him and his work colleagues. The lodge couldn’t be more proud of the ‘May Family’. It’s freemasonry at its best and humanity in all its glory”.


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