Baines Lodge Installs Adrian “Ade” May into the Chair of King Solomon in Exemplary Fashion
In what many attendees have described as a masterclass in Masonic ritual, and in front of a packed lodge room, Geoff Diggles installed Adrian R. May as Worshipful Master of Baines Lodge No. 7844.
The day started with Baines Masons meeting at St. Annes Palace mid-morning to start rehearsing for the day’s event, prior to adjourning for lunch and taking the time to enjoy each other’s company in a relaxing and jovial manner before returning to the Palace for final preparations.
The “First Lady”, Mrs Laura May had arranged for wives and partners to start arriving from early evening, in a beautifully presented dining room, where they enjoyed an informal setting leading up to dinner followed by a game of prize bingo which raised £105.
Geoff Diggles, after opening the Lodge, welcomed Principal Guest, Mark Matthews, Provincial Grand Master for the Province of West Lancashire and a plethora of Grand and Provincial Officers along with visiting brethren from across Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria.
Following the usual Lodge business, the main event of installing Ade May as Master of Baines Lodge commenced. Ade was presented to the Master by his close friend, John David Lee, a touching moment between two brothers. The work undertaken by all involved was exemplary with many members and guests commenting that it was the best installation they had ever witnessed. Passion, warmth and genuine emotions were clear to see during the ceremony as this was more than brethren installing a new Master, this was friends installing a friend.
The Working Tools of an Installed Master were expertly presented by Tony Cassells, and with equal perfection the Third Degree, Second Degree and First Degree Tools were presented by Ian Tyrrell, Ross Kelly and Michael Tax..
The Addresses to the Wardens and Brethren were superbly delivered by Mark Humphrey and Michael Silver.
Martin Paul Roche, a personal friend of the WM delivered a heartfelt Address to the Master.
In his toast to the new Master, Geoff Diggles spoke about the commitment shown to Baines Lodge by the new master and in particular the role his wife, Laura has played not only in supporting Ade but in supporting the Lodge too. For his part, in his response, Ade delivered a speech that resulted in a standing ovation with many stating it was the best response they had ever heard. Ade’s response can be found below.
The final speech was given by Ross Kelly, who delivered the annual toast in memory of the Baines Lodge Founders who conceived the lodge back in 1962 and for those no longer with us. Ross delivered the toast with dignity and grace.
The raflle and ladies collection raised over £1,200 with the lodge plate to be added too, which will be held in the Charity account for dispersal among Masonic and non masonic charities to be determined by Ade and Laura May.
“Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Grand Lodge Officers, Colleagues of Provincial Grand Lodge, Esteemed Brothers and Friends,
Thank you for the way you proposed my toast Geoff, and thank you Brethren for the kind way you received it.
It is with a profound sense of honour and humility that I stand before you as the newly installed Master of Baines Lodge.
Becoming Master of any Lodge is a pivotal moment in a Freemason's journey and perhaps even more so at Baines, given its determination to aim for excellence. I am truly grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in me and will do my best to continue the achievements of previous Masters.
Freemasonry has been a cornerstone in my life, shaping me into the man I am today. It has taught me the values of brotherly love, charity, and personal growth. But most importantly, it brought me closer to my late-father than I ever thought possible. Being initiated by him in 1990 was a defining moment. It transformed our father-son relationship into a deep and enduring friendship. His guidance and support were an invaluable source of strength throughout the early years of my masonic career. I wish he was here to share this special day, too.
He taught me that brotherly love isn't just a concept; it's the very heart that beats within our Lodges. It's what makes our meetings so special, where we can share ideas, support each other, and simply enjoy the company of good friends. This bond we have is unique, and it's worth cherishing.
But our reach extends far beyond these walls. Brotherly love compels us to be forces for good in our community and relief and charity are actions that prove the strength of our bond. When I reflect on the many fundraising and community events we've undertaken together, whether it be cycling mile after mile, climbing rollercoasters on foot, or giving up personal time to support local galas, we've offered aid to those in need, provided comfort in difficult times, and worked to make our community a better place. These actions aren't just about helping others; they are a testament to the power of brotherly love.
Brethren, my commitment to serving our community is deeply rooted in the principles of Freemasonry. As many of you know, I dedicate much of my free time to HomeStart Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre, an organisation of which I am proud to be a Director. HomeStart is a charity that provides vital support to families within our region, who through circumstances of unavoidable calamity and misfortune, find themselves in desperate need of help.
As we move forward, let's remember the importance of both. Let's nurture the special bond we share here, and let's continue to be a force for positive change in the world around us. With your support, I am determined to increase our Lodge's presence and engagement in local charitable initiatives.
Intrinsically linked to brotherly love is kindness, which is not merely the absence of cruelty, but an active force that seeks to uplift and empower. It is the patient ear offered to a troubled brother, the helping hand extended to a neighbour in need, and the understanding smile bestowed upon a stranger. It is through these seemingly small acts that we weave a tapestry of compassion and forge bonds of genuine human connection.
As Masons, we are charged with being “good men and true”. Let us, therefore, strive to embody kindness in all our endeavours, remembering that its ripple effects can spread far beyond our immediate sphere, creating a world that is more just, more harmonious, and more fulfilling for all.
At our legendary social events, we often hear about the men who first founded Baines Lodge, and rightly so. But I also want to acknowledge those who, in more recent times, ensured its continued success. David, John and Ryan, your dedication has built a Lodge known for excellence, and it's our duty to continue that legacy, so that our Lodge continues to grow and strengthen for generations to come, including my 13 year old son, who is already eager to join, having attended a number of family focussed events organised since my membership.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Martin Paul Roche. Martin taught me about the importance of being involved, in a practical way, with charity. He invited me to join the Board of Trustees at Child Action Northwest and it gave me an opportunity to see first-hand how important the 3rd sector is, and the amazing impact charities have on those who need help. He encouraged me to use my skills and knowledge for the benefit of the organisation. Later, at a period when I was ready to leave Masonry for good, having become a little disillusioned, he again gave me direction and focus by introducing me to Baines. A simple thing to do, but it has changed my life and the lives of my family, immeasurably. It seems fitting that tonight, following his impeccable address to the master, that I get the chance to say thank you. You’ve always been an inspiration and a good friend, Martin and I'll be forever grateful.
My introduction to Baines Lodge came by way of an invitation to attend a Sunday Lunch at St. Annes Palace. Laura, Alexander and I were nervous as we climbed the impressive staircase to the blue room, where many of our ladies have joined Laura tonight. It's always a little nerve-wracking to meet new people, even if you’ve met them briefly in a Zoom call, and I'll never forget the warm welcome we received on that day. I stretched out my hand to greet John David Lee, which he immediately cast aside in favour of a hug and, three years later, he still hugs me every time he sees me. His beautiful wife Kathryn and his fabulous children Jack (who will be initiated into Baines Lodge in April), Luke, Lucy, Katie, Joey and Harvey have become part of my family and I know without a shadow of doubt, that should I ever need John's assistance, then he would be there to provide it. I love him as my own brother. Forming even one new relationship is wonderful, but then came Ryan, David, Ian, Pat, Tim, Tony, Creag, Geoff and the rest of the Baines Boys like a wave of love that is a permanent feature in my life and all of whom would step forward without question if any Baines brother needed help. John invited me along to visit other lodges where I met more brethren who have had a positive impact on my life. John Stanley, whose softly spoken voice is always encouraging and supportive, and the lads from the Top of the Province who have become very special friends. I'm so grateful that they have travelled here to support me tonight, especially Dave who is still recovering after surgery. It's a delight to have you here lads, thank you. Through relationships formed from visiting, I have become a joining member of Ribble Lodge in Preston having met Simon and Karen, two very special people who Laura, Alexander and I love dearly.
This then brethren, is the true essence of brotherly love and the true meaning of Masonry.
Finally Brethren, let us embark on this new chapter together, embracing the opportunities for personal growth, strengthening our bonds, and serving our communities with compassion. With your support, we will uphold the noble traditions of our Craft and ensure that our right hands are always stretched out in friendship.
Thank you.”
Ade May, WM Baines Lodge No. 7844