Baines Masons settle in for the New Year

Following the hugely successful and well attended Installation meeting in December Baines Lodge kicked off the New Year in a far more relaxed and low key manner. In recent years the January meeting has very much become an opportunity for new lodge officers to familiarise themselves with their new roles and to ease the brethren back into the business of Freemasonry after a festive break.

For this month’s meeting the new WM, Ryan Modlin, informed the assembled brethren there would be a new candidate brought into Baines at the March meeting, always a special occasion for any lodge and the gentleman joining. He invited the those present to think back to their own ceremonies of initiation and proceeded to present an explanation of elements of the First Degree noting that the presentation would serve as a reminder to those that will participate in the March meeting of the symbolism and meaning behind the role they have to play.

Attention now turns to our February meeting at which it has become traditional to invite ladies, non masons and family members to enjoy a Valentine’s themed evening. There will be some very special gifts for any ladies attending while all we be treated to a fine 3 course meal courtesy of the St. Annes Palace Chef, Lee Munro. Post dinner games will follow including the infamous Mr and Mrs Game, which always proves entertaining.

If you’d like to attend the February meeting, the booking link can be found below.

Ryan promises you a fun, informal meeting and one which will appeal to family and non masons as much as it will brethren and their partners as Baines demonstrate they really do know how to play hard.

In Baines we work hard too, and if you want to join us as we initiate our latest candidate we’d be delighted to see you. There’s nothing better than a new member discovering a packed lodge room and feeling the true brotherhood of Freemasonry for the first time.


An Inspirational Initiation for Ross


Baines Lodge Delivers Excellence as WBro Ryan Modlin Takes“The Chair”