Baines Masons support TPS

“The leavers assembly” of any Primary School is always an emotional occasion. Likewise, it’s undoubtedly a significant occasion to the lives of those children who are reaching the end of an era and who are beginning to think ahead, with some trepidation, to their lives at High School.

Baines Lodge has supported Thornton Primary School on several occasions over the years and member John Lee, whose children attended the school, had been invited by the head teacher, Mrs Rachel Clements, to address the children in person.

In recent years, John was successful in encouraging members and visitors to support the school in various ways. For example, each classroom was donated an iPad. These were sourced through the West Lancashire Mark Masons with a healthy supporting donation from Baines Lodge. Presents had also been provided at the Christmas Fayre to ensure every child took away a gift from Father Christmas.

John stated : -

“Most people may not recall exactly what you said, or even what you did, but they can always remember how you made them feel after you left. The teachers, parents and children are all sad to see you leave Thornton Primary School, but they are also excited about about what lies ahead of you. It’s to your credit that they all hold you in such high regard. One of my teachers once said to me that qualifications are like a passport. If you obtain good results you can travel wherever you want to go. I urge each of you to work hard and to achieve your dreams. In return, the school can then share your success as will those who eventually follow in your footsteps”.

John had great pleasure handing over a personally written card to each child which contained a £20 gift voucher towards a secondary school uniform.

John received enthusiastic applause from the children at the end of his address and was thanked by Mrs Clements. She commented that she was delighted, once again, to receive support from the local Freemasons and she thanked the members of Baines Lodge for their kindness and commitment to the school.


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