Care and share in the community
David and Paula McKee are huge supporters of Care and Share Blackpool. Their collective leadership of Baines Lodge between 2019 and 2021, meant their passion and enthusiasm for this charity, could be properly understood and acknowledged by its members.
Although the pandemic initially brought a halt to all Masonic meetings, this dedicated duo didn’t stop at all. Their passion, love and support to help this cause was stronger than ever, and they continued to act for the benefit of others, no matter the hurdles or restrictions.
The charity operates in the Fylde and Kirkham areas, and like most charities, is heavily reliant on donations from individuals and businesses to reach out and support some of the most vulnerable individuals in our surrounding communities.
Support and assistance is offered to the homeless, families in refuge, individuals in sheltered accommodation and women who are supporting their children from ongoing domestic violence. The demand is understandably high. Care and Share Blackpool support over 100 individuals and families every single month. From bedding and clothing to kitchen appliances, food and small household items.
David Mckee said : -
“Baines Lodge has donated another £300 to Care and Share Blackpool. My wife and I have spent many hours bagging up and personally delivering such donations including toiletries, ready meals, bread and fruit.
The most important commodity anyone of us can give is time. We hope our time, and the financial support from Baines Lodge, will bring light and hope to families and vulnerable individuals alike”.
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